20 nov. 2013

☄♩ Synk;yet gains new guitarist and announces new CDs

Synk;yet announced that a new guitarist has joined them and that they will release a new single and their first album next year.

Since their formation in October 2011 Synk;yet has always been a four-member band. But now they've decided that they want a new guitarist. Yuiha has joined the band at their first one man live on November 18th and you if you want to follow him you can find his blog here. His name is new but some of you might already know him. He was known as yukimura in OROCHI and as lyo in Xrista and has already acted as support member for Synk;yet since June. Yuiha will not only play the guitar but is also listed as pianist on the band's website.

But that wasn't the only announcement the band made at their one man live. They've revealed that their new single "Silent Prayer" will be released in April 2014 and their first full album "the Graceful Savior" will follow in August.

Furthermore, they've announced several lives: On March 19th they will have a live at Ikebukuro EDGE to commemorate the new single and on April 25th they will celebrate rino's and on May 30th yuiha's birtdays. Both birthday lives will be at Ikebukuro Cyber in Tokyo. But there is more! On July 20th Synk;yet will hold its 2nd one man live at Takadanobaba AREA in Tokyo.


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