29 avr. 2019

☄♪ レイヴ release new maxi-single "BOTEKURI"

It is announced their maxi-single "BOTEKURI" will be released at 2019.06.26. (4 TYPES)

Limited Luxury edition (5,400 yens) will include CD (2 songs) and DVD including scenes of their oneman live at 2019.03.01, Limited edition "Full Bocco-ban" (1,944 yens) will include CD (2 songs) and M-CARD including "BOTEKURI" PV and MAKING, Regular edition '"Botekuri-ban" (1,296 yens) will include CD (2 songs) only, and Regular edition "Otameshi-ban" (500 yens) include CD (1 song) only.

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