26 juil. 2015

☄♪ BugLug release new maxi single & LIVE DVD

It is announced at BugLug one-man live tour "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KILL YOU~STRAWBERRY 5HOUT CAKE~" tour final at Shibuya Koukaidou at 2015/07/25 that their new maxi single "kouun no megami wa sariyukedo warae" will be released at 2015/10/21. (3 TYPE)

Limited edition TYPE A & B (1,944yen each) will include CD+DVD+trading card (1 out of 12 in random), and regular edition (1,296yen) will include CD only.

Their LIVE DVD "BugLug TOUR 2015「HAPPY BIRTHDAY KILL YOU~STRAWBERRY HALL CAKE~」" will be released at 2015/12/23, although details have not yet been announced.

Btw they will hold their 5th anniversary live tour "GAMBLING JAPAN" since Utsunomiya HEAVEN'S ROCK VJ-2 at 2015/10/07 and up to Ooita DRUM Be-0 at 2016/01/31.

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