6 juin 2015

☄♪ DuelJewel release new mini-album "Duel"

DuelJewel new mini-album "Duel" will be released at 2015/07/22. (2 TYPES)

Limited edition (2484 yens) will include CD (4 songs) and DVD (Red Rose PV+MAKING), and regular edition (2160 yens) will include CD. (5 songs only).

Limited edition
Track list
01. Red Rose 
02. Deadman's・Hope
03. Kikokushuushuu
04. Locus
01.Red Rose (PV+MAKING)

Regular edition
Track list
01. Red Rose 
02. Deadman's・Hope  
03. Kikokushuushuu
04. Locus
05. BUZZ 

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