30 avr. 2015

☄♪ Codomo dragon release new album "gekokujou

It is announced at codomo dragon one-man live tour "WARUAGAKI" tour final at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/04/29 that their new album "gekokujou" will be released at 2015/07/08. (2 TYPE)

TYPE A (3,780yen) will include CD (11 songs)+DVD (including "aria" PV & making), and TYPE B (3,240yen) will include CD (12 songs) only.

Btw they will hold their one-man live tour "gekokujou" since Nagoya E.L.L. at 2015/07/10 and up to tour final at Akasaka BLITZ at 2015/09/05.

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