28 févr. 2015

☄♪ ギャロ release new maxi single "INCUBUS"

It is announced at THE GALLO×LuLu 2-man live "大東亜黒鶏病棟-ヒカル・ユキ生誕祝賀診察公演-" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/02/27 that THE GALLO new maxi single "INCUBUS" will be released at 2015/05/27. (3 songs, 1,620yen)

Btw they will hold Jojo birthday one-man live "Muma" at Higashikouenji 20000V at 2015/06/05, Jojo birthday one-man live "Inma" at Higashikouenji 20000V at 2015/06/06 and their presents live "NEO JAPANESQUE BEAUTY AND CULTURE" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/06/19, and "大日本黒鶏主義者聯盟・特章(皇紀弐千六百七拾伍年版)" will be provided if collecting 3 stamps at all these 3 lives.

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