30 déc. 2014

☄♪ Sick² release new maxi single "Fuyu no owaru basho"

It is announced at Sick² one-man live tour final at Takadanobaba AREA at 2014/12/30 that their new maxi single "Fuyu no owaru basho" will be released at 2015/03/18. (3 TYPE)

TYPE A (2,160yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "Fuyu no owaru basho" PV), TYPE B (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs)+booklet, and TYPE C (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs & corr. 3 karaoke) only.

Their live-distributed single (title not yet finalized) will be released at their one-man live "女の子を騙すだけの簡単なお仕事です。5" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/08/27.

Btw they will hold their presents live tour "最近調子に乗ってるらしいSick²でも冷やかしに行かないか?" since ジェネ★(gene) birthday live at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2015/03/15 and up to 祭(matsuri) birthday live at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/03/31.

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