24 août 2014

☄♪ THE KIDDIE release new album "DYSTOPIA"

It is announced at THE KIDDIE one-man live "Come check our inferno!!!" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2014/08/23 that their new album "DYSTOPIA" will be released at 2014/11/26. (2 TYPE)

Limited edition (3,888yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (3,024yen) will include CD only.

Track list
Wonder world (included in regular edition)
Same (included in regular edition)
Tameiki no jumon (included in regular edition)
+ 7-9 new songs

Limited edition 
Track list
[new song] (PV)
Wonder world (PV)
emit. (PV)
1414287356 (PV)

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