29 juin 2014

☄♪ Calmando Qual release new PV DVD

A collection of videos from Calmando Qual's past up through their latest music video, chronicling the very history and evolution of the band over the years!

Live schedule:
July 31, 2014 Ikebukuro Chop (Release Party)

2nd DVD vision in the darkness
July 31, 2014: available for pre-sale at live venues
August 27, 2014: on sale in stores
Disc number: SWCQ-7
Label: Starwave Records
Price: 3,780yen (tax in)
Limit 1000 copies
Run Time: 60 minutes

DVD playlist
01. insanity
02. born equal pain
03. hedonism
04. chandelier
05. Deadman's party
06. Itsuwari to Nikushimi no Hazamade
07. Nukegara
08. Yugami
09. Kuchuburanko
10. Yami o Tsuranuku Gekijou no Kagayaki
11. Nuritsubusareta Elegy
12. Zessho
14. Gareki no Yume

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