18 avr. 2014

☄♪ Capella release limited Live DVD

This is the last present by the band :

Capella limited Live DVD [Boku to Kimi no Sekaiheiwa] on sale at live venues and online only
Price: 3,500 yen (tax included)
Limit: 100 copies
Runtime: 120 minutes

DVD playlist:
1. Lyring
2. Fate
3. Sekaiheiwa
4. Suideri
5. Electro Links
6. Haizora
7. crossing life
8. Izanagi Esukoto
9. ‘Love’
10. Bunki Miss
11. Gokujyoheisakukan
12. Wasurebana
13. Kokorokeito
14. Gokusai no Neko
15. Nene
1. Miraitsushinbo
2. around the new world
1. child's heart

Online shop:
online purchase :

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