7 juil. 2013

☄♪Universal Label to celebrate Hide's 20th Anniversary since solo debut at "HIDE MUSEUM 2014"

The Universal this year opened the museum in Tokyo but also in Osaka in which there are more than 200 human dolls representing Hide. During the celebrations for HIDE MUSEUM 2013 opening, the label announced some awesome events scheduled for the upcoming HIDE MUSEUM 2014.

For Hide's 20th anniversary since his solo debut and his 50th birthday fans will be able to celebrate in 2014 at the new "Hide ROCKET DIVE 2013-14" project (which is also a museum) in Tokyo from June 29th to July 28th, and then in Osaka from August 7th.

All these event will continue the celebrations started on May 2nd with NicoNico live broadcast.

Source: Jpopasia

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