22 avr. 2013

☄♪NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST revealed tracklist for first album

☄♪NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST announced the release of their very first full album "GRIMOIRE" but didn’t reveal any details on it. Now they’ve updated their website with new information!

The album will be released on May 29th and comes as Regular and Limited Edition. This is the CD track list for both versions:

1. Abzu
2. Pandemic
3. Last relapse
4. Domestic Crisis
5. Empty glass
6. Disaster
7. Sphere
8. Aster
10. Obligation
11. Lost Memory
12. Reverence
13. Bury me
14. Pleasure of Torture
15. A Day to Re:member

The Regular Edition is CD-only and costs 3000 Yen while the Limited Edition costs 500 Yen more. It comes with a DVD including the PV and Making for “Sphere” and special footage.
If you’re interested in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST’s music check out their website

Source: Jpopasia

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